Posted on 10/31/2022

The jargon of the inner systems of your vehicles are easy to confuse you unless you've interacted with them for a long time. You must have heard your mechanic talking about belts in your car, but it might be hard for you to differentiate between the various belts that help your car function. The serpentine and timing belts are the two most important belts in a vehicle with different functions. And they may be easily confused, but they are not the same thing. You can easily see serpentine belts when you open the hood of your car. They are located in the engine block and are made of thin rubber belts that snake around several components around the engine block. They are called serpentine belts because they look like snakes. The main role of serpentine belts is to transport power to important automotive components of your car. It helps in the normal functioning of the alternator, the steering pump and the air conditioners. Unlike the serpentine belts, the timi ... read more